Infrastructure as a Service Agreement (IaaS)

IaaS Agreement Hero – 4

The migration to the cloud is an amazing opportunity for businesses to do away with on-site servers and rid themselves of the financial and maintenance burdens that come with providing on-site servers and data storage. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and hosting cloud-based servers require a tailored agreement to outline costs, details and infrastructure requirements for the client and provider.

What is a Infrastructure as a Service Agreement (IaaS) ?

Think of an IaaS agreement as an agreement you would sign if you were to rent a storage unit. The agreement must set out the terms for both parties including storage limits, access, security, termination and payment, and who is responsible for any faults and outages that could result in loss of business and loss of company data.

Table of contents

View the contents of a Infrastructure as a Service Agreement (IaaS)

Infrastructure as a Service Agreement (IaaS) contents
  1. Definitions
  2. Interpretation
  3. Commencement and Term
  4. Provision of the Services
  5. Exclusions from the Services
  6. Changes to the Services
  7. Misuse of the Cloud Services
  8. Fees
  9. Warranties
  10. Data Protection
  11. Systems Monitoring
  12. Intellectual Property Rights
  13. Confidentiality
  14. Liabilities
  15. Termination
  16. Consequences of termination
  17. Entire Agreement
  18. Notices
  19. Announcements
  20. Force Majeure
  21. Assignment
  22. No Partnership or Agency
  23. Severability
  24. Waiver
  25. Third Party Rights
  26. Conflicts
  27. Governing Law
  28. Jurisdiction

Key facts

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What resources are provided by infrastructure as a service?

A: IaaS resources primarily comprise of three main resources – servers and storage (where data and information is held), networking firewalls / security (put in place to protect the data and information) & data centres/buildings (physical buildings where data servers are stored).

This differs from PaaS which typically comprises of these three as well as operating systems and software/development tools (what tools the platforms offers, such as analytics or others USPs). SaaS offers all of these as well as hosted applications.

Q: What are some infrastructure as a service example suppliers?

A: examples of IaaS suppliers are Google Compute Engine, Microsoft Azure IaaS and Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2).

This is a “Forever Template”

We will continually update this template with the frequent Microsoft updates such as CSP and other flow down terms, plus we will update the relevant terms to ensure you can claim as many rebates as possible, and get recognised by Microsoft such as CPoR, (Claims Partner of Record) DPoR (Digital Partner of Record), and PAL (Partner Admin Link).

We will also continually update this template as the law changes, for example, GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and the effects of Brexit on our laws, as we untangle ourselves from the European Union.