For members working in Catholic systemic schools you will have already received the NewsExtra outlining where bargaining between the CCER and the IEU is up to. It is very concerning that improved long service leave for school support staff has been rejected by the CCER.
Parity with teachers is something we have worked for, yet the CCER does not see this as an important matter. Same industry, same conditions!
CCER has also rejected improved access to higher classifications. Therefore, we are left stagnant and without any recognition for the work we do in our schools. It is paramount that we stand up and says this is not good enough.
If it means industrial action, then industrial action is something we should strongly consider. Industrial action is never taken lightly. We do need to stand up and be strong, not only for us now working in the system, but also for those following us. We do have the numbers to make a positive impact. Let’s make a difference.
For a worker to refuse to belong to a union is not to exercise a democratic freedom.
It is to accept benefits that others have worked for without contributing to the cost. Democracy flourishes only when freedom is accompanied by responsibility.
Update your details
Union membership is crucial for our working stability and wellbeing. Ensure all your details are up to date. The information membership needs is:
• place of employment – especially if you have changed schools
• hours of work
• email address
• home address
• preferred phone or mobile number, and
• method of payment (please note your card expiry date if paying by credit card).
Paying for a year’s membership up front will give you a significant discount. If you already do this, ensure you are current.
Sign up a colleague and get those notice boards full of IEU information.
Support staff conference
The date for our Support Staff Conference is 11 August. Thanks to IEU Organiser Carolyn Moore for the hours she has spent and is spending in researching and preparation for this wonderful event. I would also like to mention and thank Cassie Barnes. The behind the scenes work for an event such as this is massive.
Working With Children Check
This check is a requirement for anyone working in a child related area. For those currently employed in secondary schools you need this check done by 2017 and primary schools by 2018. The following youtube website gives explicit instructions on how to go about getting your Working With Children Check.
Once filled in and submitted, you will be given an application number. When you have this, you need to go to Service NSW with your application number, proof of identity and $80.